Ego, Laziness, procrastination, and the Danger of Waiting for Unrealistic Opportunities

Unemployment is often attributed to a lack of opportunities, but in many cases, it’s ego, laziness, and unrealistic expectations that keep people stuck. 

There are individuals who have been unemployed for years because they refuse to take a job that they feel is “beneath” them, believing that something bigger is around the corner. 

This mentality often leads to stagnation, with ego holding them back from taking the necessary steps to build a successful career.

1. The Fear of Starting Small

Some people refuse to take small jobs or entry-level roles because they believe these positions don’t match their capabilities or worth. They say things like, “I’m too qualified for that,” or, “I won’t work for such a low salary.” 

But this kind of thinking only keeps them stuck. Every career starts with a small step, and those who are unwilling to take that step remain idle, waiting for an opportunity that may never come.

No matter how talented or educated you are, refusing to start small means you’re missing out on critical experience, learning, and growth. Success comes to those who are willing to work their way up, not to those who sit and wait for big breaks.

2. Avoiding or escaping the Challenges: A False Sense of Control

Another common excuse is the avoidance of perceived challenges. Some people avoid jobs because they fear criticism, tough bosses, or challenging work environments. 

They may say, “I don’t want to work under someone else, so I’ll start my own business where I’m the boss.”

This is a misconception. In business, your clients become your bosses, and in many cases, they can be just as demanding as any superior in a corporate job. The problem isn’t about working for someone else; it’s about learning how to handle authority, take feedback, and navigate difficult situations. 

Avoiding challenges doesn’t solve the problem—it only delays your personal and professional growth. True success comes when you learn to face challenges head-on, rather than running from them.

3. Laziness in Disguise as "High Standards"

One of the most common traits of people stuck in this situation is laziness disguised as ego. These individuals often claim they’re waiting for a high-paying job or a prestigious opportunity, but in reality, they’re using this as an excuse to avoid work altogether. 

They aren’t willing to do the hard work that’s required, whether it’s waking up on time, being punctual, or going through the grind of daily work.

Non-punctuality is one of the key indicators of this behavior. When you consistently show up late or miss deadlines, it’s not just a sign of laziness, it’s a reflection of how you approach life. No employer or client will trust someone who can't manage their time effectively, which leads to even fewer opportunities in the long run.

4. Excuse of “Waiting for Something Big”

Many of these people argue that they are waiting for something that matches their worth. But what they don’t realize is that the big roles require big preparation. 

Whether you’re trying to crack an entrance exam for IITs, IIMs, or aiming for a top corporate job, years of preparation, discipline, and sacrifice are required.

People who make it to these high-paying jobs didn’t get there by sitting around waiting; they prepared intensely. Even then, they face challenges like tough bosses, strict deadlines, and high expectations. 

So, if you aren’t even willing to prepare or start small, then how can you expect to handle a larger, more challenging role?

5. The Trap of Unrealistic Expectations

Some individuals set unrealistic expectations for themselves, thinking that success should come easy or quickly. They might not prepare adequately for big opportunities, and when they don’t succeed, they blame external factors. 

They become stuck in a loop of self-pity and ego, where they constantly feel that they’re too good for the opportunities available, but never do the work necessary to secure the ones they claim they want.

This mentality can be toxic. Refusing to accept smaller roles out of pride or ego only ensures that you miss out on chances to grow and progress. You remain stuck, while others around you build their careers through hard work and discipline.

6. Success Requires Humility and Effort

The key to breaking free from this stagnation is to drop the ego and recognize that success requires humility, effort, and the willingness to start small. Every great leader, entrepreneur, or successful professional started somewhere. 

They worked their way up, learned from their mistakes, and embraced challenges instead of avoiding them. The willingness to put in the work, no matter how humble the role, is what ultimately leads to success.

By refusing to take small jobs, you’re denying yourself the opportunity to learn, grow, and prove your worth. The world doesn’t owe you a high-paying job or a prestigious role just because you think you deserve it. You have to earn it, and that starts with showing up, putting in the effort, and being willing to face challenges.

So, what's next? Let's stop letting ego hold you back

If you’ve been waiting for the perfect job or business opportunity without putting in the necessary work, it’s time to re-evaluate your approach. 

Ego, laziness, and unrealistic expectations will only hold you back, keeping you trapped in a cycle of inaction. The people who truly succeed are those who aren’t afraid to start small, face challenges, and work their way to the top.

Breaking Free from Ego and Laziness  

For those trapped in this cycle, breaking free from ego and laziness is essential for success. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Face Challenges Head-On: 

Whether in a job or business, challenges will always be present. Learning to deal with authority, deadlines, and tough work environments is key to success. Avoiding challenges only delays your progress.

2. Start Small to Build Experience: 

Every successful person, including late Shri Dhirubhai Ambani, started small. Whether it’s taking a lower-paying job or accepting a modest role, gaining experience and honing skills will help you progress in the long term.

3. Take Your Preparation Seriously: 

If you’re aiming for a high-paying job or prestigious career, it’s essential to be serious about preparation. Half-hearted attempts won’t get you anywhere. If you aren’t willing to commit to the process, you’ll find yourself stuck with nothing but your ego.

4. Develop Punctuality and Discipline: 

Success requires discipline, and that includes being on time and meeting deadlines. Punctuality is a reflection of your respect for others’ time and your commitment to your own success. Cultivating this habit is critical to achieving long-term career goals.

Stepping Out of Stagnation

Overcoming stagnation requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both mindset and practical strategies. Here are some actionable steps to help individuals break free from their current state:


Encourage individuals to take time for introspection. Understanding personal strengths, weaknesses, and motivations can provide clarity about career goals. Identifying specific fears or misconceptions about work can help dismantle the ego that keeps them stagnant.

Set Realistic Goals: 

Breaking down long-term career aspirations into smaller, achievable goals can make the process less daunting. For example, instead of aiming for a top-tier job immediately, one might focus on securing an entry-level position or gaining specific skills through courses. This gradual approach builds confidence and competence.

Seek Mentorship: 

Finding a mentor can provide guidance and perspective. A mentor can help navigate the complexities of the job market, provide constructive feedback, and share valuable insights from their own experiences. This support can motivate individuals to take actionable steps toward their career goals.


Actively engaging in networking can open doors to new opportunities. Building connections within industries of interest can lead to job referrals, collaborations, or simply a better understanding of the job market. Attending industry events, joining professional associations, or participating in online forums can be effective ways to network.

Continuous Learning: 

Emphasizing the importance of lifelong learning can empower individuals to stay relevant in their fields. This might involve taking online courses, attending workshops, or pursuing certifications. A commitment to learning not only improves skills but also demonstrates a proactive attitude to potential employers.

Embrace Failure: 

Shifting the perspective on failure can be transformative. Rather than viewing setbacks as reflections of self-worth, seeing them as learning opportunities can encourage resilience. Embracing a growth mindset allows individuals to learn from mistakes and adapt their strategies moving forward.

Success often comes to those who are willing to put in the effort, face challenges head-on, and remain open to growth and learning.

Drop the excuses, let go of your ego, and start building your future one step at a time. Only then will you find the success you’re waiting for.

- Tanishk


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